What do we know about Bab Al Hawa?

What do we know about Bab Al Hawa?

Bab Al Hawa Bab Alhawa Sarmada Syria Turkey border zone economic road crossing shopping turkish

   On the northeast side of the highway, southeast of the border crossing, is a small Byzantine archaeological site. This site reflects the geographic importance of this route, which has been in use for thousands of years. The most notable monument at this site is an arch dating from the 6th century. Other Byzantine ruins are scattered nearby, but they are in very poor condition.

    Getting There: Getting to Bab al-Hawa (باب الهوا) is relatively easy, though the only public transportation that passes by is that which is traveling to/from Turkey. Microbuses do travel to the nearby town of Sarmada (سرمدا), which has regular microbus connections with Aleppo (حلب) and Idleb (إدلب). From Sarmada (سرمدا) it is about a two kilometer walk (north) to the site. Alternatively, a private driver could be hired in Sarmada (سرمدا)

    There is phemonen between Sarmada and Bab al-Hawa  - it as a multiportal gateway.  An important commercial location that made it enjoy activity and commercial and economic movement since its existence.


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